Currently employed as:

Full-stack web Developer
with 3 years of experience

Interested in learning:

Currently building: All-in-one solution for tourism operators

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Booking Software for the Tourism Industry

End date December 2022
Booking Software for the Tourism Industry

This project for tour operators and travel agencies will make it easier for them to manage their bookings, customers, and their accounting.

Developing a full-stack web application using React.js, Redux, Next.js, TypeScript, and MySQL as database.

Added features such as new product flow creation, interactive Dashboard page with current and upcoming trips, and 4 unique pages that display the company information in the form of charts and graphs.

Implemented libraries such as “e-charts” and “Tanstack table” in charts and tables, allowing a fantastic user experience.

Used tables with pagination, sorting, and filtering, to previsualize employees and available products.


AWS ChatBot - Lambda, Lex & Kendra

End date October 2022
AWS ChatBot - Lambda, Lex & Kendra

Built a chatbot leveraging AWS services such as Lambda, Lex, Kendra, S3, and CloudWatch.

It utilizes a Lambda function to connect to Amazon Lex, providing an answer to the user's question. If Lex is unable to provide a response, Amazon Kendra tries to fullfil it utilizing a FAQ document as its data source, which has been crawled from 5 websites and stored in an S3 Bucket.

If neither Lex nor Kendra are able to fullfil the user's question, a message saying 'Can't find an answer to that' is returned by Lex.

Additionally, the chatbot system implements the use of Amazon Cloudwatch to monitor and track the number of utterances answered by both Amazon Lex and Amazon Kendra. This information can be used to make informed decisions about their usage in the future and to enhance the chatbot's ability to provide accurate answers by continually improving its knowledge base.


Tourism Travel Agency

End date August 2022
Tourism Travel Agency

Developed a fully functional application that allows customers to book tours and activities directly from the website.

Here I was responsible for conceptualizing and designing both the user interface and the database schema.

It has an integrated payment gateway with PayPal and MercadoPago.

Built a fully functional shopping cart that stores the items in the user's local storage so that they can be saved even if the user closes the browser.

Worked with Google Places API to display the available hotels for pickup within a certain radius specified by the agency.

Also worked with Google Maps API to display the route of the tour with the stops and drop-off points.

Implemented email submission to the agency once a client completes the contact form.

Contains a user authentication system using NextAuth and Google OAuth to allow specific users to access the admin panel.


Therapeutic Educational Center

End date May 2022
Therapeutic Educational Center

Developed a Therapeutic Center management system which connects people with disabilities with Special Education Centers within the city of Salta, Argentina.

Implemented Cloudinary services to handle the upload and retrieval of each institution's images.

Integrated Google Maps API and Leaflet library in order to display interactive and responsive maps.

Used Yup to validate the data entered by users in the forms.

Built using React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL as database..

Hosted the Backend using Supabase database management system.


Car Marketplace

End date March 2022
Car Marketplace

Developed a Full-stack application with server-side rendering and client-side routing aimed to simulate a Car Marketplace business model.

Built a user authentication system using Firebase Auth and Google OAuth.

Built a pagination system using the best practices of Next.js and MongoDB.

Implemented a payment system using PayPal.

Implemented Cloudinary services to handle the upload and retrieval of high-quality images.

The back end of the system was developed using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.

Deployed the application on Vercel.


NFT Marketplace

End date January 2022
NFT Marketplace

Designed a modern web application where NFTs can be fetched from a database and displayed in a minimalistic and mobile-friendly way.

Built a user authentication system with NextAuth and Google OAuth that allows users to access special features.

Implemented a search bar to filter NFTs by name, description, and creator.

Implemented a pagination system to display NFTs in pages.

Used Next.js for server-side rendering and client-side routing.


Nearby Points of Interest

End date October 2021
Nearby Points of Interest

Developed a "Travel Guide" widget for a transport company in the North of Argentina that wanted to provide their customers with their closest points of interest (restaurants & hotels) according to their current location.

This app works when given 2 coordinates (sw and ne) and a type (restaurants, hotels, etc.) Then the API returns a list of places that match the given criteria.

The app allows users to filter places based on their ratings.

Worked with Google Maps and Tripadvisor APIs

Built the project using React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Axios and MaterialUI


Travel Website

End date August 2021
Travel Website

In charge of designing and conceptualizing the UI/UX of a tourism company website according to the provided mockups.

It consist of 6 unique pages with additional of responsive and interactive modals.

Built the project using React.js, and Next.js, TypeScript, and Redux with useContext to handle the state of the application.

Worked with two APIs using REST protocol, which made it possible for the customer to view live weather information about the destination it is currently viewing.

Deployed the system using vercel.


Cardiologist Landing Page

End date May 2021
Cardiologist Landing Page

This project aimed to be the official page of Dr. Fernando Biella, a very well-known doctor in the city of Salta, Argentina.

It consists of 3 unique pages where the user can see the doctor's information, his services and his contact information.

Developed from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Used WordPress plugins like the “animateDigits” plugin to animate the amount of experience the doctor has.


Health Insurance

End date April 2021
Health Insurance

Built a simple and fast health insurance solution for an insurance company in Argentina.

It consists of 4 unique pages with dynamic content depending on the user's choice.

Worked with APIs to check the user's eligibility for the insurance plan.

Created using React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, and yup for form validation.

Deployed the frontend on Vercel while the backend is hosted with Heroku.

YupAPIsReact.jsNext.jsTypeScriptNode.jsExpressReact Hook FormaxiosGitSass

Digital Agency Landing Page

End date January 2021
Digital Agency Landing Page

This landing page was created specifically for digital agencies looking to generate leads for the company.

Features: 4 Benefits, 3 Steps, 4 Features, "How the product works" section, "Why us" section, "Contact" section.

I will provide the logo, color palette, and the content for the website.

The template is also very easy to customize and you can change the colors, fonts, images, and text with just a few clicks.

Characteristics: Fully responsive and works on all devices, SEO friendly website with many features that will help the client rank higher on Google.


Smart Landing Page

End date November 2020
Smart Landing Page

Worked on a SaaS Landing page that was created specifically for businesses looking to promote the product and collect emails.

Features: 6 customers/testimonials, 6 Achievements, 3 Team Members, 3 Plans, 6 Features, 3 Blog Posts, Reviews on UpWork and Freelancer, "How the product works" section, "How the product can help you" section.

The template is fully responsive and works on all devices.

It is a very versatile template that can be used for many different types of businesses.

Out of the box SEO and social media marketing make your website ready-to-go for whatever you want to do.

Characteristics: I will provide the logo, color palette, and the content for the website. The template is also very easy to customize and you can change the colors, fonts, images, and text with just a few clicks. SEO Friendly. Easy to customize


Wizz NaturalMarket

End date October 2020
Wizz NaturalMarket

Developed a minimalist landing page oriented to the health and nutrition market.

Built for a well-known health and nutrition company in Salta, Argentina (Wizz NutriMarket).

It consists of 6 sections that were designed according to the needs of the company, they are: Home, About, Services, Portfolio, App and Contact.
